A Different Birthday

A long time ago we celebrated the birthday of my aunt. There was all the family in the birthday party, my parents, my brother and my cousins. We were in a bowling celebrating it.

While we were playing and everything was going well, the bowling ball fell over my aunt's feet, but fortunately it only touched one of her fingers and it didn't get nothing worst. We went to the hospital and there the doctor took care of her.

After all of this, we went back to my aunt's house to try to finish her party, there she blew the cake candles and we gave her the presents.

Finally, everything ended well in spite of the accident. At least we will remember that birthday for ages.


  1. That story is quite interesting! I'm happy that your aunt didn't get her feet damaged. That's something that you'll never forget for sure

  2. Such a different birthday though! I feel bad for your aunt. At least she could celebrate her birthday party😊


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