
For and Against Essay Nowadays most people use plastic-surgery, it's like an option to see ourselves better or to feel comfortable with our bodies. On the one hand, there are many people that they think that if they use plastic-surgery they will look better that before. Also, the society think that the other people will think that they're very pretty, therefore this kind of people do that for vanity. On the other hand, there are people that they have to do it because it's necessary for them. For example, if you had an accident and because of that your face it's wrong you have to use plastic-surgery to see you better than before. To sum up, I think that if you do that because you need it, it's okay but if you do this for vanity that means that you don't love yourself.
Breaking News New Zealand drug-driving deaths surpass drink-driving toll for first time.
An Informal Letter Hi, Mike! How are you? Here we're all fine, but the weather is extremely cold, you probably understand me as you have lived here although you're in Australia now. It doesn't rain every day but there are a lot of breezes. I think next week it will rain every day because I've seen the weather forecast and next week we'll be extremely freezing. In September I met a girl from London and she's very nice, we met in a concert and this week we'll have been friends for two months. I like her so I'll try to go and see her despite the cold spell. I think you would like her too, as she's very friendly. I would come with you if I could because I haven't seen sunshine for ages. Hopefully I'll see you soon and we will speak face to face. Write me soon! All the best, Don.
NewYork Times video
Why I chose this topic? I chose this topic because Pablo Alborán is one of my favourites singers. I like the music he does and the lyrics of his songs because they're very deep. Also I like him because he seems a very good person.
New Year's Resolution Happy new year to everyone! Next year I'll write "New Year's Resolution" on the 1st of January. I have to put more effort to my studies. Finish the books and the series that I haven't finished.
Thailand I'm on a beach in Thailand, the water is very clear and it has white sand. It's a very nice place and very comfortable. I really like to be there, with a background music of a piano. I see a lot of palms on the beach, it's a wonderful view. I'm alone because I want to disconnect, I'm wearing a bikini to sunbathd. I have never been actually in this place but I really love it. I can hear the sound of the waves, this sound relaxes me a lot. Also I can hear the music of a piano, it always like me. Like the sound of the birds while they are flying. I feel so happy because I'm in a place that I love and I would like to be there. Also I'm feeling relaxed because the sound of the piano, the sound of the waves and the sound of the birds it makes me feel relaxed.