
Showing posts from March, 2018
An Informal Letter Hi, Mike! How are you? Here we're all fine, but the weather is extremely cold, you probably understand me as you have lived here although you're in Australia now. It doesn't rain every day but there are a lot of breezes. I think next week it will rain every day because I've seen the weather forecast and next week we'll be extremely freezing. In September I met a girl from London and she's very nice, we met in a concert and this week we'll have been friends for two months. I like her so I'll try to go and see her despite the cold spell. I think you would like her too, as she's very friendly. I would come with you if I could because I haven't seen sunshine for ages. Hopefully I'll see you soon and we will speak face to face. Write me soon! All the best, Don.
NewYork Times video
Why I chose this topic? I chose this topic because Pablo Alborán is one of my favourites singers. I like the music he does and the lyrics of his songs because they're very deep. Also I like him because he seems a very good person.